Return Policy

We hope you love ourhearing amplifiers as much as we do, but if you don't or have any problems, we offer a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee and 12-month warranty! Don't worry. Just follow the steps below.

Returns and Exchanges
1. Please be sure to contact our customer service team at to detail your questions or feedback about our products. Although not required, we would appreciate it if you send photos of the problem so we can improve it.
2. Confirm:
- All items must be returned in their original selling condition.
- All items must be returned with the original box.
- All items must be returned in one package.
3. We will reply to your email within 2 working days and inform you of the next steps, which is to send you another email or issue a full refund.

*For non-quality related warranty claims, buyer is responsible for shipping costs.
* For quality related warranty claims, Trihear will cover shipping costs. (Whether it is a quality issue can only be confirmed after troubleshooting with us.) Please contact our customer service team via email at for details.
*For items not purchased directly through the Trihear online store, please contact the retailer for a refund